Kingsley G. Morse Jr.

Life Extension

Very cool time lapse of someone else aging 22 years, forwards and backwards
Very cool time lapse of
someone else
aging 22 years,
forwards and

I (Kingsley) try to stay young by

I maintain the world's biggest collection of the
results of life span experiments in a computer spread sheet


Examples of its data are...
mean life span extension histogram

mean life span extension histogram

life extension leads

life extension leads

maximum life span extension histogram

maximum life span extension histogram

human all cause mortality hazard ratios

human all cause mortality hazard ratios

bigger life extensions are being reported

bigger life extensions are being reported

years and experimental changes in mean median life spans summary

years and experimental changes in mean median life spans summary

year vs count of life span experiments

year vs count of life span experiments

year vs count of life span experiments

year vs count of life span experiments

year vs total interventions found to extend life span

year vs total interventions found to extend life span

histogram of changes in average nematode life span

histogram of changes in average nematode life span

histogram of exercise vs all cause mortality

histogram of exercise vs all cause mortality

zinc meta analysis

zinc meta analysis

green tea vs relative risk

green tea vs relative risk

single v combo intervention

single v combo intervention

resveratrol meta analysis

resveratrol meta analysis

histogram of changes in average life span for electrolyzed reduced water

histogram of changes in average life span for electrolyzed reduced water

olive oil dose response

olive oil dose response

changes to average and maximum life span are correlated

changes to average and maximum life span are correlated

essential fatty acid dose response

essential fatty acid dose response

tea mortality meta analysis

tea mortality meta analysis

life extensions in worms and mice

life extensions in worms and mice

drugage v my big spreadsheet

drugage v my big spreadsheet

histogram of changes in average life span in resveratrol experiments

histogram of changes in average life span in resveratrol experiments

nicotinamide riboside vs. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

nicotinamide riboside vs. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

arginine ornithine life span meta analysis

arginine ornithine life span meta analysis

aspartame vs. life span

aspartame vs. life span

rifampicin meta analysis

rifampicin meta analysis

meta analysis of vitamins vs all cause mortality

meta analysis of vitamins vs all cause mortality

meta analysis of vitamin c vs all cause mortality

meta analysis of vitamin c vs all cause mortality

dha vs all cause mortality

dha vs all cause mortality

minocycline meta analysis

minocycline meta analysis

meta analysis of genetic life span experiments

meta analysis of genetic life span experiments

Evidence albumin might help us live longer

Evidence albumin might help us live longer

alpha ketoglutarate vs. life span

alpha ketoglutarate vs. life span

experiments replicated

experiments replicated

Phosphatidycholine extends life span 9%

Phosphatidycholine extends life span 9%

Glucosamine extends life span 9%
Glucosamine extends life span 9%

Pomegranate juice and paste extend life span 9%
Pomegranate juice and paste extend life span 9%

Deprenyl extended life span 13%
Deprenyl extended life span 13%

Fly life spans for white vs. green tea
Fly life spans for white vs. green tea

Quick 'n dirty meta analysis of genes v. life span (fixed)
Quick 'n dirty meta analysis of genes v. life span (fixed)

Second quick 'n dirty meta analysis of olive oil vs. all-cause mortality
Second quick 'n dirty meta analysis of olive oil vs. all-cause mortality

Quick 'n dirty meta analysis of curcumin vs. life span
Quick 'n dirty meta analysis of curcumin vs. life span

quick and dirty doxycycline meta analysis
quick and dirty doxycycline meta analysis

Need help designing a good experiment? Humble suggestion: ask Bill Kappele.

Scientists say sitting too much is about as bad for our health as smoking.

I combined a stand up desk with an elliptical trainer

Eating just plants reduced the risk of dying by 70%.

Data says eating just plants
reduces the risk of dying from the number one killer, cardiovascular disease,
by 96 percent

and the risk of dying from any cause
by 70%

Will People Become Immortal?

Data Showing Health Declines With Age

The Legend of 250 year old Li QingYun meets science The Legend of 250 year old Li QingYun meets science
The Legend of 250 year old Li QingYun meets science
There's evidence for his advice to meditate and eat rice and herbs.

I checked statistics reported for life span experiments.

Sreening anti-aging interventions for fun and profit<br>(My poster at Basel Life Science Week 2015)
I announced a fast test for biological age
at Basel Life Science Week 2015.

The Younger Year
The Younger Year
(My New year's resolution for 2015 was to get younger.)

What I learned from trying to measure my biological age every day in 2018.

Green tea seems to reverse age
Drinking more green tea seems to have made me a year younger in just a month.

An anti-aging product didn't seem to make me younger.

A month of intermittent fasting seemed to make me about a year younger.

Eating tomatoes instead of pasta sauce seems to have lowered my biological age by about a year.

Fixing a leak in my furnace's exhaust seemed to make me a year younger

Red wine didn't seem to make me younger
Red wine didn't seem to make me younger

Basil didn't seem to make me much younger

Dose vs. all-cause mortality for vitamins B6 and B12
Dose vs. all-cause mortality for vitamins B6 and B12

Jiaogulan seems to have decreased my biological age by about half a year, but the change was insignificant.
Jiaogulan seems to have decreased my biological age by about half a year,
but the change was insignificant.

A quick 'n dirty meta analysis of resveratrol life span experiments says it added an average of 5%.
A quick 'n dirty meta analysis of resveratrol life span experiments
says it added an average of 5%.

Red cell distribution width (%) seems to increase a little with age
Red cell distribution width (%)
seems to increase a little with age

<View tonic lowered biological age
Hawthorn Berries, Prickly Ash and Horse Chestnut Lowered Biological Age

More Lecithin and Hemp Seed Oil, and Less Fish and Olive Oil, May Have Lowered My Biological Age By About 1.5 Years
More Lecithin and Hemp Seed Oil, and Less Fish and Olive Oil, May Have Lowered My Biological Age By About 1.5 Years

A Water Filter That Increases pH Seems To Have Lowered My Biological Age By About A Year
A Water Filter That Increases pH Seems To Have Lowered My Biological Age By About A Year

Drinking MUCH More Green Tea Seems To Have Lowered My Biological Age By About A Year
Drinking MUCH More Green Tea Seems To Have Lowered My Biological Age By About A Year

Using A Waterpik Seems To Have Lowered My Biological Age By About A Year
Using A Waterpik Seems To Have Lowered My Biological Age By About A Year