Kingsley G. Morse Jr.

world peace

I like Switzerland's neutral foreign policy

I expect it helps them live in peace, stay free and prosper.

Unfortunately, it evidently began only after a rare military defeat.

I can imagine two more reasons for Swiss neutrality:
  1. It's an alpine fortress.
    My understanding is its tunnels are booby trapped with explosives, tank traps are built into its highways, its modern homes have no-nonsense bomb shelters, all Swiss men must serve in its reserves, and it has thousands of underground military installations.
    They're an unattractive target.
    Like a big porcupine.

  2. The government's executive branch is seven people, instead of one.
    This deters a power hungry president from starting a war.

A presidential candidate said she'd turn America in to one giant Switzerland. Armed and neutral.

Turn America into a giant switzerland, armed and neutral

A looooong running peace vigil

I nominated the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center for the U.S Peace Prize to draw attention to, what I'm told is...
Bellingham Washington's peace vigil nominated for the U.S. peace prize
the longest running weekly peace vigil in the world

The Peace Wizard has walked with his peace sign for years

The Peace Wizard

I painted a glow in the dark peace sign on my front door

peace sign on front door

Feel free to share this

bring the troops home

Do something nice for Iraq (for a change)

Instead of a normal birthday gift, ask people to give some money in your name to Mercy Corps for Iraqis.
My mom did.

Campaign for anti-war candidates

I spent $US 3,000 of my own money on an ad for America's biggest anti-war presidential candidate, Ron Paul.

I cajoled my neighbors to vote for him, and ridiculed those who didn't.

He won in my county in 2008.

My Ron Paul mobile

Rally opposing war with Syria

Rally opposing war with Syria

No Ukraine War

No Ukraine War

History behind America's wars

Dwight Eisenhower's wise warning
On April 16, 1953, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower said:

Every gun that is made,
every warship launched,
every rocket fired signifies,
in the final sense,
a theft from those who hunger
and are not fed,
those who are cold
and not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone.
It is spending the sweat of its laborers,
the genius of its scientists,
the hopes of its children.
This is not a way of life at all
in any true sense.
Under the cloud of threatening war,
it is humanity hanging
from a cross of iron.

Medal of Honor recipient: "War is a racket"

Major General Smedley Butler
In the 1930s, two time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient and Major General Smedley Butler said:

WAR is a racket.

It always has been.